

As a woman when you move to a new place your biggest challenge is to find a 'fabulous' hairdresser. You've all heard the way to go about this, look for someone that has a cute haircut and ask her who her stylist is. Well, just the other day, Katster and I were in one of my favorite stores, Steinmart, and there was this 'mature' woman who had a fantastic 'doo.' So, being the bold and 'desperate to find a stylist' person that I am I approached her and began to tell her what a great hairstyle she had and that I LOVED it! Once I was about 5 feet away (one of me) I realized it was a WIG! What to do! Do I back away? I mean, after all, I was already approaching with a purpose and she was clearly waiting to see what that 'purpose' was. The moment was committed, I told her I loved her hair which she replied "Why...thank you so very much." "MmmHmmm....no problem, love it." I scurried away to catch up with Katie and dash out the door. I told Katie what just transpired. Her reply....'blog' story 'C.' I've posted my most favorite hairstyle ever.....to tell you that I have shared this with every 'criken' stylist I have employed to cut my hair. This was the year that Timba graduated from high school....2007! Needless to say, I've not liked my hair since then. Ugh! The 'hub' says I'm a bit 'picky.' REALLY! I'm taken back by that. :)


Puff said...

hahahhahaha, this is classic.
Love that doo momma

Cathy said...

I agree - finding a hair stylist is one of THE hardest things about moving. If I remember correctly, I did several haircuts back in Lancaster County when we first moved here to A-town many years ago! Miss you!